Sound Moderators


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Fact: A centre fire rifle emits a sound intensity level of over 155dB with each and every shot
Fact: Permanent hearing damage occurs at 150 dB
Fact: Exposure to noise levels over 150 dB will cause permanent hearing damage, tinitus or both
Fact: Repeated exposure to noise levels over 150 dB, even when wearing personal protection equipment will cause hearing damage because the noise pressure wave is transmitted to the middle and inner ear via bone and cartilage.
Fact: Wearing personal protective equipment, such as ear defenders does not adequately protect your hearing from damage.
Fact:The latest personal exposure limit set by the European Directive 2003/10/EC dictates a maximum personal exposure of 137 dB.
Fact:  European Directive 2003/10/EC states that where technicaly possible, noise-pollution should be dealt with at source.
Fact: Fitting a Sound Suppressor to your rifle is the only reliable way of protecting your hearing.

Silencers, Sound Supperssors or Sound Moderators,today commonly refered to as "Moddy" " Can" were firstly designed  by Hiram Maxim ( the inventor of the Maxim machinegun) The reason was to enable people to enjoy shooting in their gardens and backyards without disturbing their neighbors and passers by. Those certainlw where the " Good Old Days" !.
Silencers or Suppressors have long suffered from a negative immage among the general public due to having been used and abused  by gangsters, criminals, poachers, spies and assassins in both real life and in the movies. This has given them a somewhat unsavory image and an immage that detracts from thier value as a hearing protection device.The general public are usualy  of the notion that silencers are illegal, when in fact they are quite legal and in general usage as a noise reduction aparatus in most European states. In the states where they are still illegal the Laws and Regulations on Noise Polution, Health & Safety at Work etc are in direct conflict with Firearms Legislation autlawing the use of Suppressors on Firearms. These Firearms Regulations need to be brough into line with the European Legislation and the ridiculouse impression that most of the Legislating Authorities have, needs desparately to be brought up to date.
In many foreign countries Firearms Suppressors are not only unregulated, but considered quite important for hearing protection and reducing noise pollution. This needs to be the situation throughout the European Union.
We urge all users of Firearms to lobby thier local Firearms Legislation Authorities, Hunting Organisations and Members of Parliament for a change in any out of date regulations governing the legal use of Sound Suppressors. How many more dedicated Wildlife Conservation Professionals, Foresters, Wildlife Rangers and Recreational Hunters, Stalkers and Shooters have to pay the price of hearing loss before the Lawmakers open thier eyes to the facts. Illegal use of Suppressors and Firearms can in no way be controlled by preventing Law Abiding Citizens who own Legaly Held Firearms from protecting thier hearing. Criminal in general have little regard for any regulations of laws.

While Suppressors certainly offer a tactical advantage as far as disguising the location of a shooter by both noise and flash reduction, a far more important aspect of Firearms Suppressor use is hearing protection through the reduction of peak noise at source. Not only is this nessecary for own personal protection, it is also nessecary to protect individuals and animals (such as your hunting dog) located anywhere near a rifle during firing.
Much experience with both the causes and effects of noise exposure with associated permanent hearing loss has been gathered in recent years and due to this the European Parliament has introduced its Noise Polution Regulations and Health & Safety Regulations. These regulations however seem to have gone straight past many in the Firearms Industry and Lawmaking fraternity without bieng given a second thought.

During the current deployment of troops to Iraq and Afgahnistan, one of the most frequent problems that is bieng faced is high frequency hearing loss caused by noise exposure. The exposure is due to the use of Fireamrs whilst training and in battle.  While many of these individuals sustained their hearing loss in actual combat, others were only exposed in training situations.Even though supposedly adequate hearing protection was provided, ( such as the styrofoam ear plugs or head mounted ear defenders)  these individuals still had hearing loss over time, proving that Personal Pretection Equipment ( ear defenders) is simply not adequate enough to prevent hearing damage.
Research has shown that individuals regularly exposed to small arms fire during training situations or whilst using firearms for professional or recreational purposes are over ten times more likely to sustain noise induced hearing loss than individuals not so exposed.
This is despite regular use of protective ear devices !!  Such devices, which are supposed to reduce noise levels to below damaging thresholds do not prevent the peak noise wave bieng transfered to the middle and  inner ear via bone and cartilage. Whilst bone conduction hearing is certainly less sensitive than conduction through the normal ear canal, the noise levels produced by repeated gunshots are certainly enough to cause permanent hearing loss over time.

Use of a properly designed Sound Suppressor on a fFirearm is no different than putting a exhaust on your car, grass cutter or motorcycle.  A silencer on, for example, a .308 win caliber rifle can reduce the noise level from over 160 dB, which is instantaneously harmful, to under 137dB, which is the current recognised limit for noise exposure. This reduces the noise at the source and eliminates dependence on ear protection devices, which are prone to failure. It also eliminates the risk of bone conduction hearing loss from excessive noise.
Fitting a Sound Suppressor to your Firearm is the only sure way of protecting your hearing. Do it before it is too late.